Hello Travellers!
My conversation with my mother this morning led me to think about how people in different cultures bring their children up.
The ironic fact is that as much as Asian parents are strict and killer about their children's whereabouts and academic life, they are also the ones who spoil them most. I know that it seems too ridiculous of a theory but allow me to explain myself.
Here is the typical Asian concept of life. We work hard ever since we mutter our first words and generally, our whole world is built up around success, or rather, achieving it in the long run. Once we achieve a somewhat stable level of success, we build a family to expand the family tree and work hard (again) to pay for our children's education so that they can continue the cycle of life. Now, do not get me wrong. I love my culture thoroughly and would not give it up at any cost. However, it is always good to see things from all perspectives and stand on your own two feet.
Many traditional thinking Malaysians have a lot against the Western culture. They assume too much and make harsh judgments without evidence. Nevertheless, I think that the Westerners have a pretty good system set up and we should at least check it out. Once again, checking it out does not mean that you are bound to it. Every person has the freedom to live their life according to their own standards.
Based upon a few conversations I had while I was in the USA, I have come to realise that many of my American friends take full responsibility over their education and finances. In other words, every semester's tuition fee is coming out of their very own pockets. No mom or dad is going to give them monthly allowances because everything is worked for on their own. They buy their own cars and pay their own bills. Of course, you'd have to take into consideration that not every American child is this way. But a lot of them are.
In my opinion, working hard to support your children is such a sacrificial act of love. In fact, I graduated out of college with my family's help and I love them with all my soul. Nevertheless, I see a point in doing otherwise as well. I love how a child is trained to be responsible over his own life at such a tender age. I believe that to teach you have to first let go.
Besides, I think that it is very sad to see how many kids throw away their chances when they are given some, here. Even with the help of their parents financially, they play around and are never too serious to begin with. Then the truth spits out and they're failing their classes. That is just sad. So why not let them work for their own success and let them own the pride?
So, to cut it all short, I think that it is wise to have both cultures in our lives. Especially when it comes to this area.Sometimes I do wonder how I would bring up my kids in the future. But that is not for me to decide right now!
Let me know what you think. Give me some insights. I hate to be talking to myself all the time so give me a shout!
Yours Truly.
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