Dear Travellers,
It has been ages since I last penned down a word, or rather typed, in this scenario. I was lacking inspiration. But today, a revelation struck my tiny head and I've finally resurrected.
Tonight, while scooping dinner into a bowl, I suddenly realized that this was the first out of the many meals at home with meat in it.You are probably thinking 'so what?' but I promise I'll get to my point. Mom being sick led to many sacrifices in the family. Lifestyles change. Conversations change. But most of all, our diet changes.
Ever since we found out that meat could feed and multiply cancer cells, we abstained from it and focussed more on other food items that would nourish the sick body. Anything to sustain the run. We were busy looking up new recipes and healthier options that we forgot to sustain our run. We forgot what our bodies needed. Well, I wouldn't exactly call it forgotten but it definitely wasn't in our priority list.
Love changes everything.
Love is mysterious and powerful.
It consumes us even though we cannot fully comprehend its abilities and functions.
When you love someone, you forget you. It is a beautiful picture- sacrificial love. One that causes you to lose yourself and do anything for the sake of another. We experience it all the time.
But what about you?
Just a little food for thought.
Yours Truly.
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