Travel Profile

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Songwriter Dreamcatcher

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Hello Travellers!

I am trying very hard to avoid a corny introduction to this blog.
Let's just say that I will be flying out across continents and seas to be with my family at home.
That also means that I will be leaving my friends and everything that I've come to learn, know and love the past 3 and a half years.
I love travelling, meeting new people, experiencing different cultures. But this is the part when travelling lets you down. As time passes, relationships are fostered even though you don't see them. Reality will hit you in the face in the end and it is truly a bittersweet sensation.

I know that my friends would definitely get mad when I say this but I wasn't going to tell many people about my departure from the United States and that was because I figured, it wasn't as important and I wanted to abstain from more emotional breakdown. However, my friends took the turn and blessed me by sending me off in love. I will be forever grateful.

As we drove around the town these last days, I wondered in my heart if I was ever going to see the pretty houses down 9th Street or Braums. I wondered if I would ever see the familiar faces that make up this beautiful little town and wondered why I had never felt this way before. Then I began to think about how we do not appreciate the things we have in our hands until we lose them. I vowed in my heart that I would not be this way ever again.

Well, that is my philosophy of the day.
Until we meet again, I'll be flying!

Yours Truly.

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