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Songwriter Dreamcatcher

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Green Leap of Faith

Hello Travellers!

This evening, I would like to salute my fellow Malaysians for respecting Mother Earth and actually taking steps towards becoming a more Eco-friendly community. We were always taught in school to be kind to nature and preserve as much as we could but never had I seen such a big leap of faith implemented in the public.

I was speaking of the 'No Plastic Bag Day' on Saturdays in shopping places. After a little bit of searching, I found that it had all begun with the state of Selangor making Saturday a 'No Plastic Day' at the beginning of this year 2011. That is so cool I think I nearly screamed. Finally, we are making progress instead of just preaching out loud. Obviously, its level of coolness spread out loud and clear infecting other states quickly. Tonight I saw the poster in a local supermarket in my hometown.

I cannot explain how excited I was about the whole ordeal. Truthfully, I was getting tired of the recycling campaigns and the 'Save Mother Earth' sch-pill because sometimes it felt hopeless. It baffles me to watch half the country turn into fanatics about going green while the other spends everyday collecting more plastic in their homes. It almost feels like the only way we could stop this whole dilemma is by shutting down all non Eco-friendly factories or producers.

Nevertheless, I fully support my country's stand in making a difference and I hope that soon, we will have 'No Plastic Bag Day' everyday. That may be an extreme statement but I really am an extremist in every way.

Below is a poster that I borrowed from the internet concerning the effort.

Oh, look! It even says Saturdays AND Thursdays.
It is happening, people. So be prepared!

Yours truly.

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